Buy Your Water Treatment Products Locally!
Education, General Pool Care, Pool Care, Pool Cleaning, Spa Care, Spa Supplies, Water Care
Today, we can find just about anything we need online. Often times, the prices seem great and the shipping is fast and usually free.
While online shopping can be super convenient, it lacks that quality customer service experience you get at a brick and mortar establishment. Bear that in mind next time you need to treat your pool or spa water.
Did you know that your spa water should be tested monthly?
Did you know that your pool water should be tested when you open your pool, at least 2-3 times during the pool season, and again before you close your pool?
Having your water professionally tested is the surest way to know what’s going on with your water and how best to balance it. At Pettis Pools, we offer free state-of-the-art computerized water testing at both of our stores. Offering this free service to you costs us close to $20,000 yearly, and we are continually training our staff so you will get the answers and advice you come to us for. We hope to be able to continue offering our water testing at no charge, but we ask for your support of this service by purchasing your water care products from us.
To use this service, simply bring in a pint of water from your pool or spa – we’ll test and determine the state of your water. We’ll plug those test results into our water testing computer program and provide you with a status print out. The recommendations and dosages are based on the quality and strength of the chemicals we sell. We cannot speak for products you may have purchased online or at a big box store. Oftentimes, the strength of the active ingredients are lessened in order to make the price cheaper and they will not perform the same as the professional products we sell.
Our knowledgeable staff will advise you on what products you’ll need and how much you’ll need to bring your water into balance, and you’ll leave our store with step-by-step instructions.
All of our staff members are trained based on our more than 55 years of industry experience. We continue to progress along with the pool and spa industry. We stay on the cutting edge so that we can offer our customers the very best products and service.
Rest assured, with our guidance, your pool or spa water will be healthy, balanced and best of all, easy to maintain! At Pettis, we make it easy, to take it easy.
We only carry proven water treatment products, most manufactured by one of the leaders in the pool and spa industry, Lonza. We proudly carry poolife®, Baquacil®, Ultima Salt Solutions®, FROG®, and EZ Pool® products.
Ultimately, your trip to Pettis Pools will save you money and eliminate the guesswork that comes with online shopping or buying from a big box store where they know virtually nothing about what they’re selling you.
So when it’s time to restock your water treatment products for your pool or spa, come visit us.
We’ll be here to offer you advice, quality products, good old fashioned eye contact, and a human connection.