Winterizing Your Spa-Step-by-Step
Hot Tubs and Spas, How-To, MAAX Spas, Softub, Spa Care, Water Care
Not planning on using your spa over the winter? It is essential to take certain precautions when winterizing your spa in order to protect against damage due to freezing and the weight of snow and ice on your cover. We are happy to help you with a close, but—if you are doing it yourself—keep these tips in mind.

Winterized spa
1. Disconnect the spa from its electrical hookup.
2. Drain spa completely either by using the drain valve located on the left side of the spa or by using a submersible pump in the footwell of the spa. Ensure all possible water has been drained.
3. Remove all filters from their housing, clean and disinfect with our chemical filter cleaner for springtime use. Store in a clean dry area during the winter.
4. Remove all jets, clean and disinfect with a mild detergent, for springtime use. Store in a clean dry area during the winter.
5. Vacuum up all remaining water using a “wet-vac” in the following areas:
a. Each jet housing
b. All suctions located in the foot well
c. Inside the filter housing
d. All seats and foot well of spa
6. Remove front access panel, completely unscrew both white unions on either side of each pump (2 per pump) as well as both unions on either side of the heater. Vacuum inside all water lines that were connected by these unions; as well as inside the heater barrel and inside all pumps.
7. Unscrew and uncap drain valve and vacuum out any remaining water. Leave cap and drain inside in a dry place with your filters.
8. If your spa is equipped with a blower system, reconnect your spa and turn breaker on. Turn blower on and run it for 1 minute to blow out any remaining water in these lines. Turn off blower and disconnect spa. Vacuum again any water that was blown out.
9. Using a common household funnel, pour Pool or RV antifreeze into each opening in the spa, including jet housings, filter housing and air injectors. You should be using approximately 2 full gallons of antifreeze to ensure the protection of your spa’s plumbing. When you have used enough antifreeze, the liquid should be coming out of the ends of the hoses, next to the pumps, showing that the antifreeze has completely covered the inside of the hoses ensuring protection over the winter.
10. Remove all cushions from spa, clean and disinfect with a mild detergent, for springtime use. Store in a clean dry area during the winter.
11. Insert a block of Styrofoam in the middle of the spa, or build a wooden frame, to help support the spa cover during times of high accumulation of snow and ice.
12. Close spa cover, wrap entire spa with a strong tarp and secure with ropes or bungee cords.
13. During the winter, be sure and delicately remove any accumulated snow and ice to avoid any unnecessary weight on your spa’s cover. If snow does begin to build up more than 8” or so we recommend you broom off the cover. Never use a shovel as you may tear the vinyl.
The Winterization Process has to be done properly in order to protect your spa against winter elements and freeze damage. It is important to know that any damage done to your spa due to freeze damage or an inadequately executed winterization will not be covered under the Manufacturer’s Warranty. Each and every step explained here must be followed in order to ensure a successful winterization. When in doubt, please contact us at Pettis Pools & Patio or you can hire us to perform the winterization on your spa.