When the spring and winter months roll around, make sure your pool is ready. Pettis Pools offers professional pool opening and closing services to ensure your pool is ready to swim in spring and ready to hibernate in winter. Our competitively-priced swimming pool openings include all services listed after our pricing.

Open My Pool Service

Open My Pool text (585)-392-7711 or call (585) 392-7711 ext. 191. There you will be connected with either Bree or Mike who will happily assist you.

Please note: We do not service or open/close gunite swimming pools at this time.

Inground Pools

**Water Bag, Lock-In covers, or Snap In Covered Pools**

all pools 15’x30′ or smaller 368.00 plus tax
all pools 16’x32′ thru 18’x36′ 388.00 plus tax
all pools larger than 18’x36′ 408.00 plus tax
all pools with spas, wall pack or AquaGenie 513.00 plus tax

**Safety Covered Pools**

all pools 15’x30′ or smaller 321.00 plus tax
all pools 16’x32′ thru 18’x36′ 341.00 plus tax
all pools larger than 18’x36′ 361.00 plus tax
all pools with spas, wall pack or AquaGenie 471.00 plus tax

Included With Openings:

  1. Remove cover (includes removal of up to 4" of water {more than 4"= additional $75 per hour of pumping} & leaves ON TOP of cover)
  2. Empty & stack waterbags. Dispose of broken water bags.
  3. Re-assemble the filter & filter plumbing. The motor will be tested to make sure it is not seized & ready to run.
  4. If the water level is at the operating level, the pump will be primed to get the filter running.
  5. Install ladders, step system, handrail, & diving board if requested (additional charge of $50 per person to install step system).
  6. Chlorine Pools (salt, frog, etc.): chlorine & algaecide are added
  7. Baquacil Pools: baqua shock & algaecide are added
  8. EZ Pool Pools: small amount of chlorine is added

*Breaker to all equipment must be turned on.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the opening near the pool area.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all openings that are more than 15 miles from either store. *Pool vacuuming is excluded with openings.

Above Ground Pools

all sizes round and oval 306.00 plus tax

Included With Openings:

  1. Remove cover (includes removal of up to 4" of water {more than 4"= additional $75 per hour of pumping} & leaves ON TOP of cover)
  2. Empty & stack waterbags. Dispose of broken water bags.
  3. Re-assemble the filter & filter plumbing. The motor will be tested to make sure it is not seized & ready to run.
  4. If the water level is at the operating level, the pump will be primed to get the filter running.
  5. Install ladders, step system, handrail, & diving board if requested (additional charge of $50 per person to install step system).
  6. Chlorine Pools (salt, frog, etc.): chlorine & algaecide are added
  7. Baquacil Pools: baqua shock & algaecide are added
  8. EZ Pool Pools: small amount of chlorine is added

*Breaker to all equipment must be turned on.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the opening near the pool area.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all openings that are more than 15 miles from either store. *Pool vacuuming is excluded with openings.

On Ground Pools (Kayak, Esther Williams, Fantasy, etc.)

all sizes 336.00 plus tax

Included With Openings:

  1. Remove cover (includes removal of up to 4" of water {more than 4"= additional $75 per hour of pumping} & leaves ON TOP of cover)
  2. Empty & stack waterbags. Dispose of broken water bags.
  3. Re-assemble the filter & filter plumbing. The motor will be tested to make sure it is not seized & ready to run.
  4. If the water level is at the operating level, the pump will be primed to get the filter running.
  5. Install ladders, step system, handrail, & diving board if requested (additional charge of $50 per person to install step system).
  6. Chlorine Pools (salt, frog, etc.): chlorine & algaecide are added
  7. Baquacil Pools: baqua shock & algaecide are added
  8. EZ Pool Pools: small amount of chlorine is added

*Breaker to all equipment must be turned on.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the opening near the pool area.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all openings that are more than 15 miles from either store. *Pool vacuuming is excluded with openings.


Start system, excludes cover removal and chemicals 191.00 plus tax
Start system & add appropriate chemicals plus algaecide, excludes cover removal 211.00 plus tax
Remove cover, excludes start up of equipment and chemicals 160.00 plus tax
Remove cover & add appropriate chemicals plus algaecide, excludes start up of equipment 185.00 plus tax

*The breaker to all equipment must be turned on.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the opening near the pool area.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all openings that are more than 15 miles from either store. *Pool vacuuming is excluded with openings.

Miscellaneous Services

Above ground pool or 150 lbs. or less sand change with opening 230.00 plus tax Additional $85 for removal of old sand from site
Inground pool or less than 300 lbs. sand change with opening 295.00 plus tax Additional $85 for removal of old sand from site
Salt system cell cleaning 100.00 plus tax
Secure vinyl liner back in track under coping 115.00 plus tax
The date of your sand change, salt system cell cleaning, and/or liner back in track service are not guaranteed to be on the same day as your scheduled opening.

(Sand Changes) Pettis Pools is not responsible for broken or damaged filter components, during the time of service. Older filters may contain internal components that are too brittle to perform a sand change service. If the old sand has hardened and cannot be loosened, then the sand change service will be unable to be performed. The technician(s) on site will evaluate the condition and determine if equipment needs to be replaced. A quote will then be provided for replacement equipment/installation The used sand will be left on site or it can be removed/discarded for an additional $85.

Close My Pool

Close My Pool text (585)-392-7711 or call (585) 392-7711 ext. 191. There you will be connected with either Bree or Mike who will happily assist you.

Please note: We do not service or open/close gunite swimming pools at this time.

Inground Pools

***Inground w/ Non-Safety Cover (Waterbag, Lock-In, Snap In, etc.)***

all pools 15’x30′ or smaller 368.00 plus tax
all pools 16’x32′ thru 18’x36′ 388.00 plus tax
all pools larger than 18’x36′ 408.00 plus tax
all pools with spas, wall packs and AquaGenie 513.00 plus tax

***Inground w/ Safety Covers***

all pools 15’x30′ or smaller 321.00 plus tax
all pools 16’x32′ thru 18’x36′ 341.00 plus tax
all pools larger than 18’x36′ 361.00 plus tax
all pools with spas, wall packs and AquaGenie 471.00 plus tax

***Safety Covered Pools (Loop-Loc)***

Loop Loc Safety Cover - Request quote all sizes (both rectangle & freeform) for covers Request Quote
Install Replacement Loop Loc installation labor for cover replacement of all sizes $285
Install Loop-Loc Small Rect Cover 15’x30’ or smaller & rectangular $450
Install Loop-Loc Small Non-Rect Cover 15’x30’ or smaller & non-rectanglular $470
Install Loop-Loc Medium Rect Cover 16’x32’- 18’x36’ & rectangular $500
Install Loop-Loc Medium Non-Rect Cover 16’x32’- 18’x36’ & non-rectangular $520
Install Loop-Loc Large Rect Cover larger than 18’x36’ & rectangular $540
Install Loop-Loc Large Non-Rect Cover larger than 18’x36’ & non-rectangular $560

***Current Service Specials***

New Loop Loc Installation: Customers will receive a free closing ($341+ value)
*if applicable.
Replacement Loop Loc Installation: Customers will receive $100 off 2024 pool closing
*if applicable.

Included With Closings:

  1. Remove ladders, handrails, and diving board (if requested)
  2. Drop water to the appropriate level (Most IG pools will be left at running level)
  3. Winterize underground lines
  4. Winterize filter system and heater
  5. Add chemicals & antifreeze (IG ONLY)
  6. Secure winter cover appropriately (Loop Loc, Water Bag, Lock-In, & Snap In)
  7. Chlorine Pools (salt, frog, etc.): chlorine & algaecide are added
  8. Baquacil Pools: baqua shock & algaecide are added
  9. EZ Pool Pools: small amount of chlorine is added

*Pool vacuuming is excluded with closings.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the closing near the pool area.

*There must be access to a hose and electric. The breaker to all equipment must be turned off.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all closings that are more than 15 miles from either store.

Above Ground Pools

all sizes 306.00 plus tax

Included With Closings:

  1. Remove ladders, handrails, and diving board (if requested)
  2. Drop water to the appropriate level (Most IG pools will be left at running level)
  3. Winterize underground lines
  4. Winterize filter system and heater
  5. Add chemicals & antifreeze (IG ONLY)
  6. Secure winter cover appropriately (Loop Loc, Water Bag, Lock-In, & Snap In)
  7. Chlorine Pools (salt, frog, etc.): chlorine & algaecide are added
  8. Baquacil Pools: baqua shock & algaecide are added
  9. EZ Pool Pools: small amount of chlorine is added

*Pool vacuuming is excluded with closings.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the closing near the pool area.

*There must be access to a hose and electric. The breaker to all equipment must be turned off.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all closings that are more than 15 miles from either store.

On Ground Pools

(Kayak, Esther Williams, Fanta Sea, etc.)

all sizes 336.00 plus tax

Included With Closings:

  1. Remove ladders, handrails, and diving board (if requested)
  2. Drop water to the appropriate level (Most IG pools will be left at running level)
  3. Winterize underground lines
  4. Winterize filter system and heater
  5. Add chemicals & antifreeze (IG ONLY)
  6. Secure winter cover appropriately (Loop Loc, Water Bag, Lock-In, & Snap In)
  7. Chlorine Pools (salt, frog, etc.): chlorine & algaecide are added
  8. Baquacil Pools: baqua shock & algaecide are added
  9. EZ Pool Pools: small amount of chlorine is added

*Pool vacuuming is excluded with closings.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the closing near the pool area.

*There must be access to a hose and electric. The breaker to all equipment must be turned off.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all closings that are more than 15 miles from either store.

Winterizing Lines/Cover Pool

Winterize underground lines and equipment 191.00 plus tax
Winterize underground lines and equipment with chemicals/algaecide plus antifreeze for inground pools 211.00 plus tax
Secure pool cover, excludes chemicals and winterization of underground lines/equipment 160.00 plus tax
Secure pool cover with chemicals/algaecide plus antifreeze for inground pools, excludes winterization of underground lines/equipment 185.00 plus tax

*Pool vacuuming is excluded with closings.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the closing near the pool area.

*There must be access to a hose and electric. The breaker to all equipment must be turned off.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all closings that are more than 15 miles from either store.

Cover Pool

Cover Pool only 160.00 plus tax
Cover Pool with Chemicals 185.00 plus tax

Included With Closings:

  1. Remove ladders, handrails, and diving board (if requested)
  2. Drop water to the appropriate level (Most IG pools will be left at running level)
  3. Winterize underground lines
  4. Winterize filter system and heater
  5. Add chemicals & antifreeze (IG ONLY)
  6. Secure winter cover appropriately (Loop Loc, Water Bag, Lock-In, & Snap In)
  7. Chlorine Pools (salt, frog, etc.): chlorine & algaecide are added
  8. Baquacil Pools: baqua shock & algaecide are added
  9. EZ Pool Pools: small amount of chlorine is added

*Pool vacuuming is excluded with closings.

*Customer is responsible for leaving out all accessories for the closing near the pool area.

*There must be access to a hose and electric. The breaker to all equipment must be turned off.

*Note that the mileage charge of at least $40.00 will be applied to all closings that are more than 15 miles from either store.