Pool School
Need more help? New pool owner? Try Our Hands-On Pool School
Presented every Saturday morning beginning in May at both locations.
- Greece: 9:00 a.m. — 1186 Manitou Road near Latta Rd.
*Weather permitting, our clinic is held partially in our outdoor pool park using our display pools. - East Rochester: 10:00 a.m. — 825 Fairport Road in the Country Club Plaza, corner of Marsh Road.
- Who: While these informal hands-on sessions are something we offer to all of our new customers, the invitation to join us cordially goes out to anyone who wants to learn more about taking care of a pool. Bring your neighbors!
- What: We’ll show you how to operate a filter, how to clean it, how to vacuum your pool or hook up your automatic cleaner, how to put on your solar cover and how to store it, how to test your water, how to apply chemicals…and anything else you want to know.
- When: We’ll hold this Saturday morning Pool Clinic just as long as it takes to catch everyone up on what they want to know. Feel free to “stay after school” with more questions. We’ll show you how to spend less time working on your pool…. So you’ll have more time to spend in it.