Pre-Opening Checklist For Your Pool
Pool Care
Take advantage of these warmer days (and your extra time at home) this month to get a jump start on opening your pool and ensure a smooth transition into summer! To help get you started, we put together a pre-opening checklist for you to spring ahead of schedule this month—
Drain Standing Water
March and April often bring on the rain, so it’s essential to drain standing water off your pool cover as often as possible. This can be done by purchasing a cover pump, or creating a siphon with a garden hose, here’s how:
Step 1: Insert one end of the garden hose into the standing water.
Step 2: Take the other end of the hose, lower it beneath the water and screw a hose cap on while it is still submerged.
Step 3: Take the end out of the water, and move to a drainage area, remove the cap to begin the siphon.
Prevent Algae Growth
Have a pool with a Loop Loc cover? Add a quart of Algae Phos through the cover to help keep a harmful algae bloom from developing. This is done by pouring the product through the cover and rinsing through with your garden hose. We recommend opening a little earlier in the season before the water warms up to halt the growth of algae as well.
Check On Pumps & Motor
Is your equipment all running in peak condition? If you were having issues with your pump or motor last season, now is the time to bring it in for repair to get ahead of the waiting period as summer approaches. This will ensure less waiting time for you, and more time spent enjoying your backyard oasis.
Schedule Your Pool Opening
If you don’t plan to open your pool yourself, reserve your pool opening date today! It’s important to book early to ensure you get the timing you need so you can dive right in come summer. Order your chemicals for the season at the same time, and we will happily deliver them on your opening date, free of charge!
Contact us for any of your pre-pool-opening needs/questions or to schedule your opening date with us!