Salt Chlorine Generators: Dispelling the Myths
Education, General Pool Care, Pool Care, Pools, Service
The salt chlorine generator automates the delivery of chlorine, providing a steady sanitizer level and removes the burden of transporting chlorine products to the pool. Many consumers say the water in a salt pool feels better on their skin. That is the pro. The con is that many pool owners don’t fully understand how to Read More
Saltwater pools were rare just 10 years ago, but they’ve exploded in popularity. We wanted to take a moment to better educate our customers about what a salt pool is—and isn’t—so you can make an informed choice. There are a lot of misconceptions about saltwater pools. Perhaps the biggest is that they don’t contain Read More
Salt Chlorine Generators Eliminate the Need for Harsh Chemicals in Your Pool
Education, General Pool Care, Pools, Water Care
People are always looking for ways to make swimming pool maintenance simpler—and salt systems are an efficient way to do just that! They eliminate the need to lug chlorine jugs or buckets around or worry about storing them. Salt generators also do away with harsh chlorine odors and red eyes. They allow pool owners to Read More